Our Mission

“I have had more impact in the last week using these new tools and techniques than I have in the last two years”
Theresa Matafwali
Manaso Hospital, Zambia

This was one of the review meeting comments from a group of Lusaka-based counselors, trainers and facilitators, who had ten days previously been introduced to the first embryonic version of the Bridges of Hope kit.   The response led Peter Labouchere to resign his ‘day job’ and launch the Bridges of Hope Training consultancy in 2000.

Bridges of Hope Training has since worked with many organisations throughout Africa and beyond to develop innovative participatory training tool-kits and implement Social and Behaviour Change Communication group training programs addressing a spectrum of health and development issues.

The Bridges of Hope Training methodology was applied initially with a community focus on HIV-related issues. It has proven effective with a variety of target groups in different contexts, including banking and mine employees, support groups for people living with HIV, prisons, youth, community and faith based groups. It has also proven highly effective (when appropriately adapted for context and target groups) when applied to a range of other issues, including Malaria, TB, Family Planning, Maternal Newborn and Child Health, Ebola and Financial Wellness.

Mr Labouchere possesses a unique combination of skills in instructional design, neuro-linguistic programming and HIV prevention methodologies that combine to deliver targeted motivational adult-learning materials. In Ghana the materials developed by Mr. Labouchere contributed to a more that 50% increase in condom usage associated with the “Stop AIDS Love Life” campaign.
Kirsten Böse
Director, Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3)
I observed a Bridges of Hope workshop facilitated by Mr Labouchere. I have extensive experience in the field of peer education and the training of peer educators, and Mr Labouchere’s skills and insights into this complex area of behavioural change are truly exceptional.
Professor David Dickinson
Department of Sociology, Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa