Create A Tailored Participatory Training Kit

Topics and Issues addressed

We work collaboratively to create innovative tailored participatory training programs for different issues, contexts and groups. We also enhance the impact of existing programs by integrating multi-sensory, experiential learning activities and SBCC (social and behaviour change communication) techniques.

Issues addressed include:

  • HIV Combination Prevention
  • Treatment Adherence
  • Positive Living & Stigma
  • VMMC Demand Creation (Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision)
  • TB
  • PPTCT (Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV)
  • MNCH (Maternal, Newborn and Child Health)
  • Alcohol and Drugs
  • Financial Wellness
  • Other bespoke toolkits, adapted and tailored for specific issues, contexts and groups (e.g. Youth / Faith  Based Organisations / Men)
  • Gender Based Violence
  • Bullying
  • Conflict Resolution and Healthy Relationships


To create a really effective tailored participatory training kit, we work closely with your team in a process as follows:

  • Build an in-depth understanding of the target groups, their context, needs and issues, and the desired health and development outcomes for the programme.
  • Create a pilot package of fun, engaging training activities and materials, tailored for the specific issues, needs and context.
  • Pre-test the pilot kit.
  • Refine and improve the final version of the kit based on experiences and feedback from the pre-test.
  • Train Facilitators and Master Trainers to roll out the programme, supply materials as required.
  • Provide ongoing support as/when required to maximise impact of the programme roll out.

Examples and Testimonials

Comprehensive Community Resource Kit for Tanzania  – Safari ya Mafanikio

Working with a highly experienced team from TCDC in 2015, developed a comprehensive ‘Safari ya Mafanikio’ (Journey of Success) Community Resource Kit to be used by Community Change Agents throughout Tanzania.  This includes 12 modules covering HIV prevention, HTC, Treatment adherence, VMMC, TB, Malaria, Family planning, Most Vulnerable Children, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH), stigma and support.

Facilitated a pre-test / Master Trainers training workshop in Dar es Salaam, then refined final version.  Initially 2500 kits (in Swahili) have been produced for roll out.

Liberia – Bridges of Hope for Ebola-Free Communities

Working with a team from HC3 Liberia Ebola Programme in 2014/2015, created an Ebola-related participatory training package for low literacy communities titled Bridges of Hope for Ebola-Free Communities.

Faith Based kit to increase Increase Male Involvement in Prevention of Parent to Child HIV Transmission

Working with Tearfund and their partners from different churches in nine African countries, developed and trained Master Trainers to use “Guardians of our children’s health: Activities for church and community groups to involve men and women in preventing parent-to-child transmission of HIV.”

First Edition: 2009

Second Edition: (revised and updated, in English and French): 2013

See Science Journal of Clinical Medicine report: A Novel Intervention to Increase Male Involvement in Prevention of Parent to Child HIV Transmission, on the impact of the GOOCH kit in different countries, in particular as used by Faith Alive Nigeria

Educate one million

Adapted and tailored Bridges of Hope activities and trained Master Trainers for the Standard Chartered Bank Living with HIV -Educate one million by 2010 programme, which exceeded its target and won the Global Business Coalition (GBCHealth) Community Investment Award.

Prevention with Positives

Worked with BONEPWA (Botswana Network for People Living with HIV) and AED to adapt and develop a Prevention with Positives Bridges of Hope package specifically for use by support groups.  100 Peer Educators from 50 support groups throughout Botswana trained to use the materials.

The Bridges of Hope Training methodology goes much further than just educating people about HIV and AIDS – it enables participants to really address their issues and change their behaviour, so they stay healthy and achieve their goals and dreams in life.  Mr. Labouchere and his Bridges of Hope programme have the skills and capacity to make a dramatic difference to the lives of individuals (including those living with HIV) and their communities.

Lisa Jamu, Technical Adviser, Botswana

VMMC Mobilisers Toolkit for Demand Generation

Developed a VMMC Mobilizers Toolkit for engaging men and motivating them to access Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision services.

CareWorks Community Mobilisers throughout South Africa were trained and used the toolkit in schools, clinics, businesses, taxi ranks, train and bus stations, markets & shopping centres, on the street, with youth groups, and in door-to-door outreach. Their written feedback from an evaluative review included:

  • It’s a wonderful and a user friendly kit.
  • It has been so successful.   It made people understand the main aim of VMMC.   This toolkit created an image of what VMMC is really about.
  • The impact is very good because the toolkit opens the people’s minds. It makes my work in the field easy.
  • In areas such as shopping malls, in street corners the toolkit has been very useful in attracting the passer-bys attention and getting them to participate and give time to listen to what we have to give or say.


Statements from CareWorks Community Mobilizers in a review survey

Malawi Bridge Project

Working with the Malawi BRIDGE Project, developed first the generic Hope Kit, and subsequently more specifically targeted supplementary kits titled Have a Healthy Baby and Bambo Wachitzanzo (Responsible, Wise, Caring Man).  Trained Master Trainers to use and train others throughout the country to use these kits.

The monthly figures recorded by Mulanje Hospital ANC for the number of pregnant women agreeing to test for HIV as part of the PMTCT programme increased by over 300% within 2 months.  This correlated precisely with the introduction of the Hope Kit to the clinic and training of their counsellors to use the kit effectively.  There are no other factors or variables evident which could account for such a dramatic change.

Josephine Mkandawire,  Malawi Bridge Project Programme Manager

Enquiry about creating a tailored participatory training kit