Our Impact

I have had more impact in the last week using these new tools and techniques than I have in the last two years

Theresa Matafwali

Maina Soko Hospital, Zambia

Since establishing Bridges of Hope Training in 2000, at least 25 million people globally have experienced Bridges of Hope Training activities, delivered through programs with organisations including:

Evaluative Research

A University of Pretoria research publication reports:

“In this study, we found that an adherence game intervention significantly improved retention of participants who had been newly initiated on ART.”

Bridges of Hope Training supplied and trained facilitators from randomised clinics to use its Treatment Adherence “Games” with ART patients – 3.2% lost to follow up after 12 months.

ART patients at control group clinics received the normal information and support – 22.2% lost to follow up after 12 months.

This 3-minute video summarizes the research, presented at the SA-AIDS 2023 conference.  It also shows the adherence “games” in action at the conference and in community programs across Africa.

These treatment adherence “games” and their impact were also investigated by Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism and reported in:

Evaluation of Toolkit to prevent Parent-to-Child HIV Transmission through male involvement

With Tearfund and their partners from different churches in nine African countries, Bridges of Hope Training developed and trained Master Trainers and Facilitators to use the GOOCH kit: “Guardians of our children’s health: Activities for church and community groups to involve men and women in preventing parent-to-child transmission of HIV.” (Published in English and French)

The  Science Journal of Clinical Medicine publication: A Novel Intervention to Increase Male Involvement in Prevention of Parent to Child HIV Transmission concludes:

“Male involvement in PPTCT through GOOCH increases rates of HIV testing among pregnant women (sometimes up to five times); motivates male partner involvement in PPTCT; and raises PPTCT awareness in communities.”

Examples of Programs

Program for young  people who use drugs

Organisations around South Africa are using a tailored Bridges of Hope participatory toolkit to engage and address the issues of young people who use drugs (PWUD). This follows a collaborative process to create the tailored NACOSA Bridges of Hope toolkit and train Youth Peer Educators, Social Workers and Co-ordinators from eight implementing organisations to use it effectively with groups of PWUD.

“Too many times, people who use drugs, especially young people are marginalized. Their dreams and goals are viewed as unrealistic because they use substances. This Bridges of Hope Toolkit for People who Use Drugs provides a practical, fun and creative manner of encouraging them to set life and health goals; and commit to positive behavioural change.”

Yolaan Andrews, Programme Manager: Key Populations & Human Rights, NACOSA

This program also features in Voice of America video: Gamifying Health – A new approach to HIV treatment in Africa

We co-ordinated a program to supply 1,000 Bridges of Hope kits and train Master Trainers and Peer Educators from universities, businesses, prisons and other communities throughout South Africa to use the kits effectively.

“Bridges of Hope is user friendly and can be adapted to any life situation or setting and can be used at any level within the organisation.  It has been a life changing experience.”

Linda Peter, Manager Employee Wellness Services, Road Accident Fund

We tailored the Bridges of Hope kit for Zambia LPCB (Local Partners Capacity Building), trained people from 18 partner organizations to facilitate the materials.

“There is absolutely no way that can describe how amazing the Bridges of Hope tool is and the changes it has made and is still making in a lot of people’s lives. The activities are very participatory and can be used in so many ways.  They can break down very complicated explanations to convey a message to participants in a way that is clear and unforgettable.” 

Prosperine Zulu, Anti AIDS Association, Zambia

Working with a highly experienced team on the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP), we developed and trained Master Trainers on a comprehensive ‘Safari ya Mafanikio’ (Journey of Success) Community Resource Kit.  This included 12 modules covering HIV prevention, HTC, Treatment adherence, VMMC, TB, Malaria, Family planning, Most Vulnerable Children, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH), stigma and support.

As per this the 2,460 Community Change Agents trained by Master Trainers to use the kit worked with 16,540 village volunteers to reach over 3.3million community members.

We worked with Zimbabwe NGO ROOTS (with Hivos funding) to develop and train Community Mobilizers to make effective use of the ‘BRIDGES’ package to engage men in addressing GBV, Child Marriage and SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.)

See this 5 minute video of the workshop process.

Sex Worker Peer Educator Program

Worked with North Star Alliance (with Grand Challenges Canada funding), to develop a participatory training program tailored for the specific context and challenges facing sex workers in South Africa, including GBV, stigma, HIV, drugs and alcohol, mental health and SRHR (sexual & reproductive health & rights).   Facilitated training workshops for groups of peer educators in Durban and Nelspruit.

“Participants has fun and games while at the same time undergoing life-changing experiences.”

Dawne Jackson, Wellness Co-ordinator

Worked with Sonke Gender Justice and Build Africa Uganda to collaboratively develop, pre-test and refine a training program titled: Change the Story: Engaging men as caring parents and respectful partners.

“The illiterate are not exposed by the activities. They can participate fully without anyone knowing they are illiterate”

Zukiswa Lobola, Bridges of Hope Master Trainer


Programs based on the Bridges of Hope Training methodology and materials have won:

  • AfriComNet Award for Excellence in HIV and AIDS Communication in Africa – Best community / interpersonal strategy, campaign or tool.
  • Award for Business Excellence, GBCHealth (previously Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) for Standard Bank Group’s Africa-wide HIV and Wellness Education Program. We trained groups of staff Wellness Champions in 14 African countries to use a tailored toolkit with colleagues, clients and local communities.
  • GBCHealth Community Investment Award for Standard Chartered Bank’s global Living with HIV program to “Educate one million” – a target they exceeded, recording over 1.7million people experiencing Bridges of Hope training activities.